Typical Motor Skills
- Raises head slightly off floor when lying on stomach
- Holds head briefly when supported
- Can clear face by turning head to right or left when on belly
- Briefly watches and follows objects with eyes
- Holds head erect, bobbing when in supported sitting position
- Follows moving person with eyes
- Lifts head and chest when lying on belly
- Lots of kicking and arm movements during play
- Head control improving
- Rolls from side to side
- Begins to play with toes
- Takes and maintains grasp of object held near hand
- Begins to reach out for objects
BY 7 months
- Sits with little help, slouching slightly, sits alone
- Rolls from back to belly
- Transfers objects from one hand to the other and from hand to mouth
- Changes from sitting to lying and back with controlled movements
- Plays with two objects at same time one in each hand
BY 12 months/1 year
- Pulls self to stand-may step with support
- Picks things up with one finger and thumb
- Releases toys on request (Give it to me)
- Crawls on all fours or belly crawls to get to where she wants to go
- Cruises furniture or may walk behind walking toy
BY 24 months/2 years
- Walk alone
- Run with clumsy motions
- Climbs up or down one step on feet(not crawling)
- Makes mark on paper with crayons
- Kicks large ball
- Turns pages in a book (2 or 3 at a time)
BY 36 months/3 years
- Walks up stairs
- Walks down stairs two feet on each step
- Stands briefly on one foot
- Rides tricycle
- Opens doors
- Imitates simple lines and circles when drawing
Available for download here.
By 3-4 months
- Watches faces with interest and follows moving objects
- Recognizes familiar people and objects: smiles at the sound of your voice
- Begins to develop a social smile
- Turns head toward sounds
- Cries to show pain, fear, or discomfort
- Loves to be touched and held
- Places hands near bottle or breast
- Enjoys playing
By 7 months
- Responds to other peoples emotions
- Enjoys face to face play: can partially find hidden objects
- Explores with hands and mouth: struggles for out of reach objects
- Responds to own name
- Uses voice to express joy and displeasure: babbles chains of sounds
- Uses voice to gain attention
- Holding own bottle
- Picking up & eating small bits of cereal that easily melt
BY 12 months/1 year
- Enjoys imitating people: tries to imitate sounds
- Enjoys simple social games like “gonna get you”
- Explores objects, finds hidden objects
- Responds to “no;” uses simple gestures, such as pointing to an object
- Babbles with changes in tone: may use single words (dada, mama, uh-oh)
- Turns to a person speaking when his name is called
- Begins looking at picture books and select pictures
- Uses words with m, n, p, b, t, d, k, g, h,& w
BY 24 months/2 years
- Imitates behaviors of others; is excited about company of other children
- Understands several words
- Points to named pictures and objects
- Recognizes names of familiar persons and objects
- Follows simple 1 step directions
- Combines two words to communicate with others; “more cookie”
- Much repetition of adult‘s speech
- Uses a spoon and or fork
- Imitates housework
- Turns pages in book jabbering as if reading
BY 36 months/3 years
- Expresses affection openly and has a wide range of emotions
- Makes mechanical toys work
- Plays make believe
- Sorts objects by shape or color
- Follows 2 and 3 step commands
- Uses pronouns (I, you, me) and some plurals cats, dogs
- Recognizes familiar pictures knows if it is upside down
- Feeds self
- Verbalizes toileting needs
Information provided by First Signs Inc. 2001-2005
Available for download here.
is diagnosed within the Autism Spectrum
- NO big smiles or other warm, joyful expressions by six months or thereafter
- NO back and forth sharing of sounds, smiles, or other facial expressions by nine months or thereafter
- NO babbling by 12 months
- NO back and forth gestures, such as pointing, showing, reaching, or waving by 12 months
- NO attempts to communicate his/her wants and needs
- NO two word meaningful phrases (without imitating or repeating) by 24 months
- ANY loss of speech or babbling or social skills AT ANY AGE
Information provided by First Signs Inc. 2001-2005