What is Family Support Services (FSS)?
Family Support Services is a program that provides support services and help to:
- Enable family to care for their family member with disabilities at home
- Enhance the quality of life for that family, including the individual with developmental disabilities
Who can receive Family Support Services?
If you have a family member with developmental disabilities living at home, he or she may be able to receive FSS. The family member with disabilities must be ELIGIBLE for county DD services, even if he or she is not receiving county board assistance.
Contact Jefferson County Board of DD to find out about eligibility.
What items and services are provided?
- Respite care by providers or persons chosen by the family
- Adaptive equipment
- Home modifications to accommodate the family member with disabilities
- Special diet needs
- Other services individualized to each family’s needs such as counseling, wheelchair repair, educational software, television closed captioning, sign language books and more
How much will Family Support Services cost my family?
Families are required to make co-payments based on the sliding scale below:
Annual Taxable Income
Income Co-Payment
$27,258 or less 0%
$ 27,259 to $ 37,759 10%
$37,760 to $ 48, 260 30%
$48,261 to $ 62,261 50%
$62,262 to $ 79,762 75%
$79,763 and above 100% of cost
Who provides the service?
The FSS program is administered through the Jefferson County Board of Developmental Disabilities. The funds are provided through the state legislature and distributed by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities. Jefferson County supplements the state funds with local funds.
What determines whether requests are funded?
Jefferson County Board of DD will fund family requests if:
- Family is eligible for services
- County has funds available
- Items or services are available
- The item or services cannot be funded by other sources
- Request is consistent with county board’s plan and Family Support Services philosophy
For more information please contact:
(740) 264-7176